Are you looking for some fun holiday activities to entertain your family this year? In this episode of Hearty Home, I’m going to share my Elf on the Shelf ideas that will have you cracking up and leave your kids scratching their heads. We’ll follow the elves around my home to see what kind of antics they get up to.
Climbing Mountains
Elf of the Shelf is a fun tradition that makes the holidays even more fun. Oscar and Ballerina have already made their appearance in our home, and I'm sure your elves are soon to appear in your home—if they haven’t already. As we find out what my elves are up to, it might give you some ideas for your own.
The first spot we’ve found them is in the bathroom—or what I like to call, ‘Climb Every Mountain.’ Ballerina got herself in a bit of a bind, stuck atop a mountain of toilet paper. Thankfully, Oscar is on his way, climbing up to save her.
Riding Reindeer And Marshmallow Fun
The next place we found the elven duo? Oscar and Ballerina took the reindeer for a ride, and on their return, they left us a surprise! All you've got to do is take small chocolate chips and spread them around on your fake snow, and you have reindeer poop.
Oscar and Ballerina next found themselves in a sticky situation: protecting themselves from the other toys. Thankfully, they climbed to safety atop a container of marshmallows. You know what they say: if you can't beat ‘em, feed ‘em! Incorporating some of my kids' other toys is a lot of fun, and they like to see the interaction between the elves and other characters from the toybox.
You can also use mini marshmallows to create your scenes. Sometimes, they can have snowball fights or be in the process of making marshmallow snow angels. You can get really creative with your elves’ adventures to the delight of your little ones.
Getting In The Holiday Spirit
I hope you enjoyed these cool ideas that the whole family can get a laugh from. Be sure to comment below and share your ideas, as I’m super excited to see what your elves are doing in your home. And remember, if you have any questions on the local real estate market and need help, I would love to speak with you.
Make sure to subscribe to my channel so you never miss an episode of Hearty Home, my show all about living in Broward County, South Florida. Stay tuned to see what I feature next!